Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The final frontier of management

The final frontier of management is politics.It is very sad that managers have limited the utilization of their competency and talent to business organizations. Thus,the influence of management professionals in the social and political sphere is minimal.
All those workshops on Leadership and managerial competency development. What a waste,if they do not get utilized on a broader platform other than a business organization.
In fact,a huge amount of new knowledge remains untapped because of the lack of application of managerial competency in the political arena.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Training Trainers

Kolb's learning cycle for adult learning is interesting.
The four experiential learning processes are:

  • Concrete Experience - (CE)
  • Reflective Observation - (RO)
  • Abstract Conceptualization - (AC)
  • Active Experimentation - (AE)
  • Its integration into the instruction design of a training program would definitely enhance the learning and competency takeaways.

    Sunday, July 26, 2009

    Stay Interviews as an OD intervention

    I have started analyzing the stay interviews conducted at 6 sites in NTPC.The power of this OD intervention is palpable.
    Strengths and their enhancement is the only sure shot way to develop and sutain an edge whether in organizations or at a professional level.

    Wednesday, June 17, 2009

    Intellectual Assets of a firm

    The intellectual assets of a firm consist of R&D, patents and trademarks, human resources and capabilities,organisational competencies and “relational capital"

    Innovation: Why

    1 percentage point increase in aggregate innovation spending was associated with an increase of 0.85 percentage points in the probability of being a successful innovator and an increase of 0.7 percentage points in the share of new products in turnover.

    Sunday, June 14, 2009

    Strategic HR and stay interviews

    An indepth examination of stay nterviews has thrown up the revelation that stay interviews are a strategic HR tool.Strategic HR is basically transformational HR.It consists of the ways and means through which HR can enable the organization to create a competitive advantage. 
    One of the tools of strategic HR is appreciative inquiry.
    Appreciative inquiry is embedded into multiple Strategic HR interventions.
    One of these nterventions is ,"Stay interviews".
    Stay interviews can be a principal source for organization design and the redesigning of organizational policies.

    Saturday, May 23, 2009

    Stay interviews

    HR Technology is evolving and innovations in HR are beginning to gather pace.
    On examining Stay Interviews,i have realized that they have appreciative inquiry embedded in them.Stay interviews are a powerful system for creating a performance orieneted culture and for organization design.
    Their proactive nature put them into the category of,"Tools for Strategic HR".
    The tools for Strategic HR is an interesting new classification of Strategic HR processes which can enable the HR department to drectly impact organizational performance.
    It is about time that the HR department stopped only looking at people systems and started affecting organizational competitiveness and performance. 

    Saturday, January 3, 2009

    A lament and a hope:Poem by Sanjiv Narang

    A lament and a hope

    Gone are the days of strength and valor,

    Behold the days of tyranny and squalor,

    For the time are a -changing,

    Everyday truth is found hanging.

    Inspite of your great feminine prowess,

    the world shall remain leaderless,

    for you lack idealism,

    for freeing the world from this devilish prism.

    Let the naysayers step aside,

    and to the people's dictate abide,

    for the leader to ascend,

    for making our destiny mend.

    one must look for the answer in one's soul,

    for getting out of the debilitating hole,

    before we regret the goal,

    that time stole.


    Sanjiv Narang