I thoroughly enjoyed conducting a workshop on,"Managing the training function" for a major power generation co.
It gave me the opportunty to address the deep weaknesses in the way the employee development centres are managed.Since,the process of managing the training function is never really addressed,the inadequacies have a long life-line and tend to continue year on year.
It was joyful to see new hope and light in the eyes of the learners.The empowerment of training managers with new competencies is going to result in their emerging as more powerful professionals in the work environment.
The identification and assimilation of competencies of managing the training function was an eye opener.Comment of one of the participants was,"In our Employee Development Centres we need to distinguish between organizational value-add training and perepheral training.The EDCs should not slowly deteriorate into facilitators of perepheral training only".
Each competency enriches the role and empowers the functioning of the training manager.Facilitation of training by training managers without practicing the competencies of managing the training funtion results in bad decision making and costly wastage of all connected resources.
A competency such as ,"Writing Deliverables" has the capability of having a fundamental impact on the focus,design and the execution of training programs.