I conducted a program for Power HR Forum on,"Innovations in HR".There were participants from different power companies.
Somehow there is an element of skepticism about the application of the term innovation to HR. In the general perception,Innovation is linked to product or process innovations.
However,as the workshop progressed and we applied innovation tools to different HR sub-functions as well as the HR function itself,the doubts disappeared.The doubts were replaced by a new found confidence in themselves ,their function and its capability to stand out in the organizational setting.
One of the dominant themes that emerged was ,"The contribution of HR is invisible in most organizations.If we want to be visible there is no option but to innovate."
It is only through innovation that the profession will grow.If we continue to do the same things as we have done in the past,we are bound to decline and go into oblivion.
The application of innovation tools to the different HR sub-functions was an eye opener for most participants.Where earlier they saw road blocks ,now they could see possibilities and potent innovation ideas.
In all, 25 potent innovation ideas in different HR functions were generated
It was personally fulfilling experience for me.